Collapsed areas / accordions for a CMS (e.g. for faq or career pages)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginThe plugin "Collapsed areas / accordions for a CMS (e.g. for faq or career pages)" adds collapsed areas / accordions to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Text", "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like. Up to 10 collapsed areas can currently be assigned within the respective element.In the element for the collapsed areas, you can select in the "Settings" tab whether the complete labeling should be clickable, whether a border around the collapsed areas or whether an icon for opening and closing the collapsed areas ("Down arrow & up arrow "or"Plus & Minus") should be displayed. In addition, you can also set the inner distance for the labeling in pixels, the inner distance inside the collapsed areas in pixels, the font color of the labeling, the background color of the labeling, the icon color of the labeling, the font color inside the collapsed areas, the background color inside the collapsed areas and the color of the vertical dividing line inside the collapsed areas.The type of labeling can be selected specifically for SEO purposes, i.e. whether the labeling should be a normal link, an h2, h3, h4, h5 or h6 headline.Furthermore, it can be determined whether an area should already be opened or whether all areas should remain closed at the beginning.The contents of the up to 10 collapsed areas can be defined in the tab "Collapsed areas". The following configuration options are available for each collapsed area:the definition of whether the respective collapsed area should be displayedthe definition of the labeling of the respective collapsed areathe definition of the content of the respective collapsed area with the help of a TinyMCE editorthe selection of the number of columns (1, 2 or 3) within the collapsed areathe selection of whether the headlines should not be displayed in multiple columns inside the collapsed areathe selection of whether a vertical dividing line should be displayed within the collapsed area

Custom button for a product (on request, holiday message, and more)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail to and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginWith the plugin "Custom button for a product (on request, holiday message, and more)" you can replace the add to cart button with a custom button on the product detail page, hide the add to cart button completely or add another custom button below or above.The custom button can either refer to a shopware form, to a link or to an email address. The subject and the email content can be specified for the email address.The custom button can optionally be restricted to selected products. Furthermore, an custom text can also be displayed above the button, which can also be restricted to selected products. The text can be either an error message, a warning message, a info message, a success message or a normal text, for example for a holiday message or further explanations.It is also possible to display the details button instead of the add to cart button in the category listing if the add to cart button has been replaced or hidden for the product. In this case, the delivery information text or the quantity selection can also be hidden on the product detail page, just like the input field for entering a product number in the checkout.

Graphical lists for a CMS (with freely definable text, round corners, etc.)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginThe plugin "Graphical lists for a CMS (with freely definable text, round corners, etc.)" adds graphical lists to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like. Up to 10 graphical list elements can currently be assigned within the respective graphical list.For the graphical list, a headline can be defined in the "Settings" tab, but you can also select whether the list elements should extend across the entire width. In addition, you can also specify the distance up and down for the list elements in pixels as well as the inner distance (padding).Furthermore, you can specify the width and height of the bullets of the list elements, the position of the bullets of the list elements to the top and to the left in pixels, as well as the type of the bullets of the list elements, so whether an icon class (e. g. ) or a own value (for example "1") should be used. You can also select the color, the background color and the color of the bullet border. The border can also be completely removed or its value changed or not rounded off.For the texts of the list elements, the distance to the left in pixels, the padding in pixels, the background color and the color of the border of the list texts can be selected. The border can also be completely removed or its value changed or not rounded off.The contents of the up to 10 graphical list elements can be defined in the tab "Graphical list elements". The following configuration options are available for each list element:the definition of whether the respective list element should be displayedthe selection of the icon class of the bullet of the respective list elementthe definition of the own value of the bullet of the respective list elementthe definition of the text of the respective list element with the help of a TinyMCE editor

More tabs for the product detail pages (own tabs, properties, manufacturer, and more)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail to and we are happy to help you. A instructions for the plugin can be found at: (link to the instruction).Description of the pluginWith the plugin "More tabs for the product detail pages (own tabs, properties, manufacturer, and more)" you can extend the product detail pages with additional tabs, including stand alone tabs for the properties and the manufacturer of a product. You also have the option to fill your own tabs with your own content via a TINYMCE field and offering them to the product. All tabs can also be displayed in front of the rating tab and arranged in your position you desired.Furthermore, it is also possible to fill the content of a tab, which should be the same for all products (for example shipping information), with the option "fill tab 1 via a snippet" (this is possible for every tab). In this case you can fill the tab via a snippet without having to deposit the same content for all products and to handle all products if changes are made.The snippets would be:tab 1 headline: tab1HeadlineFillviasnippettab 1 content: tab1ContentFillviasnippettab 2 headline: tab2HeadlineFillviasnippettab 2 content: tab2ContentFillviasnippetTab 3 headline: tab3HeadlineFillviasnippetTab 3 content: tab3ContentFillviasnippetTab 4 headline: tab4HeadlineFillviasnippetTab 4 content: tab4ContentFillviasnippetTab 5 headline: tab5HeadlineFillviasnippet andTab 5 content: tab5ContentFillviasnippet.You also have the option to set the name of the first to the fifth tab for each product (in the fields "tab 1 headline" to "tab 5 headline") individually, if desired.The following content elements are possible within the own tabs:normal textimageslinksHTML elementsheadlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6)YouTube - Videos (by simply inserting the YouTube video link or into the editor with a blank line above and below it)Vimeo - Videos (by simply inserting the Vimeo video link into the editor with a blank line above and below it)PDF data sheets (by simply inserting the link to the pdf data sheet into the editor with a blank line above and below it)For YouTube videos, the following YouTube parameters can be set for all YouTube videos within the plugin configuration:hiding the controls (controls)hiding the recommendation at the end (rel)hiding the branding (branding)For Vimeo videos, the following Vimeo parameters can be set for all Vimeo videos within the plugin configuration:hiding the avatar (portrait)hiding the title (title)hiding the author (byline)

Payment term, discount and custom text for the documents
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions about the plugin, the best way is to open a ticket for the app via the store operator area or contact us via email: plugin can create a payment term, discount or custom text on the documents. The texts can also be combined with each other. Here you can choose on which document - types ( e.g. invoice, invoice cancellation or delivery bill ) the respective text should be displayed. In addition, the respective text can be individually limited to payment types and individual user groups. 

Rotating element / flipping card for a CMS (with freely definable text etc.)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginThe plugin "flipping card / rotating element for the shopping worlds (with freely definable text etc.)" adds a rotating element / flipping card to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like.At the flipping card you can select at the tab "Settings" among other things the action at which the flipping card is changing, either by hovering over the shopping world element or by clicking on the button. In addition, the effect for changing the front and the back can also be selected, for example a uniform, laterally left or laterally right flip effect. At the button for changing the flipping card, the background color, the hover background color, the font color, the hover font color and the border color, the vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) including the associated distance, the horizontal alignment (left, center, right) including the associated distance, the padding, the fullness, the text of the button and an icon (arrow-to-right & arrow-to-left or plus & minus) could be set.In addition, the following settings can be made for the front and back:the selection of an imagethe selection of the background position for the background imagethe selection of the background size for the background image (contain, cover or auto)the definition of the background colorA large number of configuration options are also available for the content area of the front and back, including:the definition of the background color and the hover background color of the content areathe definition of the vertical alignment of the content area (top, middle, bottom) and the associated distancethe definition of the horizontal alignment of the content area (left, middle, right) and the associated distancethe definition of the inner distance (padding) of the content areathe definition of the fullness of the content areathe definition of the width of the content area if, for example, the content should extend over several lines and not over the entire areathe complete linking of the backThe content can be maintained using a TinyMCE field so that you can, for example, store the following content elements in the content area:normal textimageslinksHTML elementsheadlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6)Using the TinyMCE field, you can customize the content of the collapsed areas according to your own wishes. For example, you can center the content, format it (for example, highlight or underline it in bold or italics), set links, the font size or the font color.

Size tables for the product detail pages
The extension “Size tables for the product detail pages” creates a separate module with the title “Size tables” in the Admin Dashboard under “Content”. Any number of size tables can be created here. You can choose whether the size table should be created via HTML code or as a fixed 4 x 10 matrix. The extension offers the option of inserting a text above and below the table. The size tables can then be assigned to any number of products. On the detail page, the tables are then displayed either as a link or button that opens a modal box or as a tab. It is also possible to display the size tables both as a modal box and as a tab. For the fixed 4 x 10 matrix there is the option to vary the font and background colors of the table elements. A CSS class can also be attached to the table to style it individually.

Tabs for a CMS
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginThe plugin "Tabs for a CMS (e.g. for faq or career pages)" adds tabs to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Text", "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like. Up to 10 tabs can currently be assigned within the respective element.In the element for the tabs, you can select in the "Settings" tab whether a underline instead of a border around the tab labels should be used, whether a border around the active tab label, a border around the not active tab labels or a border around the tab content should be displayed. The color of the border can be selected for each border. In addition, you can also set the inner distance for the labelings in pixels, the inner distance inside the tabs in pixels, the font color of the active labeling, the font color of the not active labelings, the background color of the active labeling, the background color of the not active labelings, the font color inside the tabs, the background color inside the tabs and the color of the vertical dividing line inside the tabs. You can also specify which tab should be open at the beginning.The contents of the up to 10 tabs can be defined in the tab "Tabs". The following configuration options are available for each tab:the definition of whether the respective tab should be displayedthe definition of the labeling of the respective tabthe definition of the content of the respective tab with the help of a TinyMCE editorthe selection of the number of columns (1, 2 or 3) within the tabthe selection of whether the headlines should not be displayed in multiple columns inside the tabthe selection of whether a vertical dividing line should be displayed within the tab

teaser and banner for a CMS (with freely definable text & buttons, etc.)
Contact & SupportIf you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail and we are happy to help you.Description of the pluginThe plugin "teaser and banner for a CMS (with freely definable text & buttons, etc.)" adds teaser and banner to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Text", "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like.In the element for the teaser and the banner, you can select in the "Settings" tab whether the selected image should be integrated as a background image or whether the content area should be placed on the image if the image is not a background image. In addition, round corners for the element and the distance of the entire element in pixels can be specified. If the image was integrated as a background image, the position of the background image (from top left to bottom right) and the size of the background image (contain, cover or auto) can be selected and a background color for the element and a minimum height for the element can be set. Furthermore, you can completely link the entire element if desired.The following configuration options are available in the "Content area 1" tab and in the "Content area 2" tab of the element:the definition of whether the width of the content area should be depended on the content (in this case the content area has no fixed width)the definition of a maximum width of the content area in percent or pixels (if the content area should not extend over the entire area)the definition of round corners for the content area in pixelsthe definition of the vertical alignment of the content area (top, center or bottom) and the associated outer distancethe definition of the horizontal alignment of the content area (left, center or right) and the associated outer distancethe definition of the inner distance of the content area in pixelsthe definition of a background color for the content area (with transparency if necessary)the definition of the text of the content area via a TinyMCE fieldthe definition of whether the link texts should be underlined during hover or whether the words should be automatically hyphenatedthe definition of the padding of the text in pixelsIn the "Content area 1" tab of the element there is also the option of displaying a button with the following configuration options:the definition of the text of the buttonthe definition of the link of the buttonthe definition of whether the button icon should be displayed or whether the link should be opened in a new tabthe definition of whether the text and the button should be placed among each other (otherwise side by side)the definition of whether the link text should be underlined during hover or whether the words should be automatically hyphenatedthe definition of the padding of the button in pixelsthe definition of a font and background color for the button
