Tabs for a CMS

Product information "Tabs for a CMS"

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Description of the plugin

The plugin "Tabs for a CMS (e.g. for faq or career pages)" adds tabs to the CMS elements, that can be used as usual with an already placed CMS block (for example with "Text", "Two columns, text" or "Three columns, text") and assigned it to the CMS block using the change icon (when clicking on an element) and place it on an shopping world as often as you like. Up to 10 tabs can currently be assigned within the respective element.

In the element for the tabs, you can select in the "Settings" tab whether a underline instead of a border around the tab labels should be used, whether a border around the active tab label, a border around the not active tab labels or a border around the tab content should be displayed. The color of the border can be selected for each border. In addition, you can also set the inner distance for the labelings in pixels, the inner distance inside the tabs in pixels, the font color of the active labeling, the font color of the not active labelings, the background color of the active labeling, the background color of the not active labelings, the font color inside the tabs, the background color inside the tabs and the color of the vertical dividing line inside the tabs. You can also specify which tab should be open at the beginning.

The contents of the up to 10 tabs can be defined in the tab "Tabs". The following configuration options are available for each tab:

  • the definition of whether the respective tab should be displayed
  • the definition of the labeling of the respective tab
  • the definition of the content of the respective tab with the help of a TinyMCE editor
  • the selection of the number of columns (1, 2 or 3) within the tab
  • the selection of whether the headlines should not be displayed in multiple columns inside the tab
  • the selection of whether a vertical dividing line should be displayed within the tab

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Beispiel für die Erweiterung "Tabs für eine Erlebniswelt"

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